Heater Boiler Systems: Things You Should Know

If you’re about to install a heat pump, furnace, or boiler in your home, it’s essential to know some basics about the system and its components before you sign on the dotted line. 

You may have an idea of what you want in your new heater boiler system, but knowing exactly how these systems work can help you be sure that you get what you need and avoid significant problems later on down the road. 

In this blog, we’ll cover things you should know about heater boiler systems before you decide which one to buy.

Boiler System

How do Heater boilers work?

When you turn on your heater boiler, the water inside the tank is heated. This is done by either gas or electric, depending on your boiler type. Heat is generated by a heat exchanger, a series of pipes that transfer heat from the boiler to the water.

As the water is heated, the pressure inside the boiler increases. This pressure is then used to push the hot water through the pipes in the home, which can be used to warm the air or heat water for showers, washing machines, and similar appliances.

When the boiler is turned off, the pressure will drop, and the water in the tank will cool down. As the water cools, the tension in the boiler will return to its average level. 

This is important because it ensures that the boiler can start up again when it’s needed again.

What are the different types of Heat boilers?

There are three types of heat boilers: steam, hot water, and hydronic. Each type of boiler has its own set of features and benefits. Understanding each type of boiler can help you choose the right one to suit your needs.

Steam Boilers

Steam boilers are the most common heat boiler used in industrial and residential applications. Steam boilers use a pressure vessel to contain the heated water and are powered by a fuel source such as gas or oil. 

They are designed to produce high-pressure steam, requiring a lot of energy to do so. The smoke produced by the boiler is then used to heat the water in the vessel.

Hot Water Boilers

Hot water boilers are the most common type of heat boiler used in residential applications. Hot water boilers are powered by gas or oil and are designed to heat water for domestic use. 

They are typically more efficient than steam boilers, producing hot water more quickly.

Hydronic Boilers

Hydronic boilers are heat boilers that use hot water as the heat source. Hydronic boilers can be powered by gas or oil and are designed to heat more significant buildings or areas. 

Unlike steam and hot water boilers, hydronic boilers are typically used for heating larger structures and industrial processes.

Read more about : how often should you keep your boiler in good condition

What are the reasons that boilers break or stop working?

Boiler System

There are several potential causes of boiler breakdown or failure, and each requires attention and repair from a trained professional. Here are  the common reasons that boilers break or stop working:

Faulty parts: 

Boilers are made up of many different components and parts, and if any of these parts are defective or malfunctioning, it can cause the boiler to break or stop working.


Lack of maintenance: 

Regular maintenance is essential for the health of your boiler and its components. If you get your boiler serviced regularly, it can prevent the boiler from breaking or stopping working.


Boilers can overheat if they’re not receiving enough ventilation, causing them to break or stop working.

Incorrect settings: 

Incorrect settings can cause boilers to break or stop working. This is especially true if the temperature settings have been set too high.

Pipe problems: 

Boilers need to be correctly connected to the plumbing system, which can be affected by any issues with the pipes. If there’s a blockage or leak in any of the lines, it can cause the boiler to break or stop working.

Gas leaks: 

If there is a gas leak in the boiler, it can cause the boiler to malfunction and break down.

Water leaks: 

Leaks in the water system can also cause boilers to break or stop working, affecting water flow to the boiler.

Electrical problems: 

Boilers require electricity to work, and a power cut or other electrical problems can cause the boiler to stop working.

How often should you service your boiler?

It is essential to service your boiler regularly to ensure it is running efficiently and safely. Most manufacturers advise maintaining your boiler once a year

But if you are in a region with hard water, it is recommended that you service your boiler twice a year

This is because the build-up of mineral deposits can cause your boiler to work less efficiently and potentially reduce its lifespan.

It is best to consult a professional if you are still determining how often you should service your boiler. They will be able to assess your situation and give you the best advice on how often you should service your boiler.

Do Heat boilers waste water or energy?

The answer to this question is no. While heat boilers use a considerable amount of water to operate, they are also very efficient at heat production.

Most heat boilers have an efficiency rating of 80% or higher. This means that for every 100 units of energy input, they produce at least 80 units of usable heat.

How can you troubleshoot boiler problems?

If you’re having boiler problems, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue:

  • First, check the thermostat to ensure it’s set to the correct temperature. 
  • If the thermostat is set correctly, check the boiler to see if there is any build-up of grime or debris. 
  • You can also check the boiler’s manual to see if there are any specific troubleshooting steps you can follow.
  • If you’re still having boiler problems, you may need to call a professional to look at the issue. 
  • An expert can assist you in identifying the issue and coming up with a fix to have your boiler operate again.
