10 Ways to Keep Cool (and Save Energy) This Summer

In summer months the temperatures heat up, many of us rely on air conditioning to stay comfortable and reduce energy use. While air conditioning may be effective at doing this job, it can also be expensive and energy-intensive; luckily there are alternative ways to stay cool without breaking the bank – this blog post explores 10 such ways, such as ceiling fans, thermostat adjustments and taking advantage of outdoor spaces to keep cool without overusing A/C units. By including these tips into your summer routine you can stay cool while cutting energy bills while doing good for our environment while being good to our own health as well.

Keep Cool (and Save Energy) This Summer

1. Employ Ceiling or Portable Fans to Circulate Air in Your Home

When it comes to staying cool during the heat of summer months, many turn to their air conditioning units as a source of relief. Although air conditioning can certainly help beat the heat, it is also one of the biggest energy consumers within your home (up to 50% of summer energy bills!). Luckily there are other ways you can stay cool while saving energy and saving money at the same time.

Ceiling and portable fans are an energy-saving method of keeping cool without using unnecessary electricity, by creating breezes to help evaporate sweat from the skin and making you feel cooler. Utilizing fans in this manner allows for an ideal indoor environment without solely relying on air conditioning units for cooling.

Ceiling fans are an excellent addition to rooms where you spend much of your time, such as your living room or bedroom. Installed directly on the ceiling, their rotating blades move air downward to create a refreshing breeze – some models even come equipped with lights! Ceiling fans make an ideal decorative and functional accessory in any space.

If you prefer more portable solutions, table and floor fans are excellent alternatives to ceiling fans. Not only can they easily be moved from room to room and used less energy, they are also considered more eco-friendly solutions.

As fans are meant to only cool people and not rooms, be mindful to switch it off when leaving a room in order to conserve energy and save energy costs. Furthermore, fans can help circulate air more effectively thus decreasing energy bills significantly.

Ceiling and portable fans are an efficient and economical way to keep cool during the hotter summer months while simultaneously cutting energy consumption. By pairing them with other cooling methods, ceiling and portable fans can help create an enticing indoor climate without breaking your budget.

2. To Shield From Solar Radiation and Stay Cooler in Summer Months, Close Curtains or Blinds During Hotter Parts of the Day to Block Sunlight

One effective strategy to lower heat entering your home in summer months is closing curtains or blinds during peak sunlight hours of each day. Sunlight can quickly heat up living space, making it more challenging and costly than ever to maintain an appropriate climate in your living space.

By closing curtains or blinds, you can block out sunlight and decrease the amount of heat entering your home, helping reduce energy bills while making life more pleasant during summer.

If you are uncertain when the hottest parts of the day occur, using an online tool like SunCalc can help identify when and where sunlight shines throughout the day and pinpoint windows most susceptible to direct sunlight within your home. This information will allow you to close curtains or blinds as necessary.

As well as closing curtains or blinds, reflective window film or shades may help block out sunlight from entering your home. Reflective window film reflects sunrays away while shades help reduce direct sunlight exposure by blocking direct sun light and decreasing heat gain.

Close curtains or blinds to reduce heat gain while still providing ventilation and fresh air circulation. Make sure you open up your curtains or blinds when the sun isn’t directly shining into your home to allow natural light and fresh air circulation.

Closing curtains or blinds during the hottest parts of the day is an easy and effective way to limit heat gain in your home during summer months, while simultaneously decreasing energy bills and creating a more pleasant indoor environment. By blocking sunlight, this practice can lower energy costs significantly while creating an environment conducive to restful sleeping and relaxation.

Read more : How to Stay Comfortable and Save Money with HVAC?

3. Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs to Reduce Heat and Energy Consumption

Keep Cool

Light bulbs might not be at the top of your list when considering ways to stay cool during the summer, but they can have a profound effect on both temperature control and energy usage in your home.

Traditional incandescent light bulbs produce considerable heat, which can make your home seem warmer and force your AC unit to work harder in order to keep things comfortable. By switching to energy-efficient LED light bulbs instead, such as those from Philips Hue, you can significantly decrease heat emissions while simultaneously cutting your energy costs and energy usage costs.

LED light bulbs use up to 75% less energy and last up to 25 times longer than their traditional incandescent counterparts, plus emit less heat, helping keep your home cooler in summer months. Plus, their numerous styles and colors provide versatile yet cost-effective illumination solutions.

To reduce heat and energy usage further, try opting for natural lighting during the day rather than artificial lighting. Opening curtains or blinds and letting in natural sunlight will not only save on electric costs but will create a brighter, more natural atmosphere within your home.

Energy-efficient light bulbs like LEDs are an easy and cost-effective way to lower heat and energy usage during summer months. By opting for energy-saving bulbs and taking advantage of natural lighting sources when available, energy-saving light bulbs create a more comfortable and sustainable indoor environment.

4. Install a Programmable Thermostat to Control Temperature in Your Home


Installing a programmable thermostat is an efficient and cost-effective way to manage the temperature in your home and reduce energy use during summer months. By programming your thermostat to adjust to suit your schedule and preferences, you can avoid wasting energy and money cooling an empty house.

Programmable thermostats can be set to automatically adjust their temperatures based on time of day, day of the week and even your location. You could set one up so it increases during the day when you’re away and then decreases before your return home; this way you can keep your home cool and comfortable while simultaneously cutting energy usage and costs.

When selecting a programmable thermostat, select one that is compatible with both your heating and cooling systems and offers features such as Wi-Fi connectivity and smartphone control. Some thermostats even come equipped with energy saving tips as well as real-time energy usage data, so that you can monitor and optimize energy use throughout the summer season.

Not only can installing a programmable thermostat help optimize your home’s temperature and lower energy consumption, but there are additional steps you can take to optimize it and save energy. Seal air leaks, add insulation, seal air leaks and use ceiling fans to circulate cool air while decreasing air conditioning usage are among other strategies you should try to take to optimize it and save energy consumption.

Installing a programmable thermostat is an efficient and effective way to regulate the temperature in your home and reduce energy use during summer months. By programming your thermostat according to your schedule and preferences, you can avoid spending both energy and money cooling an empty house.

5. Maintain Your Cooling System Regularly to Achie Peak Condition

Regular maintenance of your cooling system is key to keeping it operating effectively and efficiently throughout the summer months. Neglecting it could result in higher energy bills, more frequent breakdowns and an overall reduced lifespan for your equipment.

To maintain peak condition of your cooling system, it’s vital that you schedule regular maintenance with an HVAC technician. At their visit, the technician will inspect the equipment, clean and lubricate components as necessary, check for leaks or issues and make any necessary repairs or adjustments as required.

Apart from scheduling regular maintenance visits, other steps you can take to keep your cooling system operating effectively are replacing air filters regularly and keeping outdoor units free from debris and vegetation in order to promote proper airflow and avoid damage to equipment.

Regular maintenance can extend the lifespan of your cooling system, improve performance and lower energy bills while helping prevent costly breakdowns or repairs during those hot summer months. Regular inspection and servicing also helps your cooling system to function more efficiently while protecting you against breakdowns that might otherwise arise due to usage overload.

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your cooling system in top shape and operating efficiently and effectively over the summer months. By scheduling maintenance with a professional HVAC technician and taking other steps to keep it in prime condition, you can lower energy bills, enhance indoor comfort levels and extend its lifespan – ultimately leading to savings in terms of both money and life!

6. Employ Window Treatments to Shield From Sunlight and Heat

Window treatments such as blinds, curtains and shades can be an easy yet effective way to keep your home cool during the hotter summer months. By blocking out direct sunlight rays, window treatments help lower temperatures inside your home while decreasing air conditioning needs.

When selecting window treatments for your home, look for options designed to block heat and sunlight such as blackout curtains or shades with reflective coatings. This can help keep indoor temperatures comfortable by reducing how much heat enters through windows – and vice versa!


As well as window treatments, there are other steps you can take to lower heat gain and keep your home cooler during the summer months. Weatherstripping and caulking can seal air leaks around doors and windows to stop hot air entering your home. Landscaping provides shade to block direct sunlight hitting windows for added cooling measures.

Window treatments and other methods that block out heat and sunlight can help you decrease the need for air conditioning during summer months and lower energy bills, all without sacrificing style or convenience in your home. With some creativity and effort, keeping cool may become even easier!

Window treatments like blinds, curtains and shades are an easy and cost-effective way to block out heat and sunlight while keeping your home cooler during the heat of summer. By reducing heat gain through window treatments or other measures such as insulation measures you can lower energy consumption while enjoying a cool home.

7. Prepare Food in an Outdoor Cooking Space or By Alternate Methods

Cooking generates heat that can add an inordinate amount of heat into your living space during summer months, making it harder to remain cool and comfortable in your living space. To reduce heat gain and keep your home cooler, consider cooking outside or employing alternative cooking methods which produce less heat.

Grilling outside is an enjoyable way to prepare delicious meals without overheating your kitchen, plus it makes for an engaging social activity in the warm weather! Additionally, slow cookers and microwaves produce less heat than conventional stovetop or oven methods of preparation.

If you need to use your stove or oven, try doing it during cooler parts of the day such as early morning or late evening to limit how much heat is generated in your home and help ensure a more comfortable indoor temperature.

Cooking outside or using alternative cooking methods aren’t the only ways to decrease heat gain and keep your home cool during summer. Utilizing fans or opening windows while cooking will also help remove both heat and odors from your home, keeping it more pleasant for everyone in the household.

By cooking outside or employing alternative cooking methods, you can reduce the amount of heat entering your home and more easily maintain an ideal living environment during summer months. Plus, with careful planning and creative culinary approaches, delicious meals don’t need to come at the cost of comfort or convenience!

Cooking generates significant heat indoors, making it more challenging to keep your living space cool and comfortable during summer. By cooking outside or using alternative methods of preparation, heat gain can be reduced and energy bills reduced while still enjoying delectable meals. With some creativity and planning, summer’s warm weather can become an opportunity to create memorable dining experiences with family and friends.

8. Use Fans to Circulate Air and Stay Cool

Fans can be an excellent way to stay cool and comfortable during the hotter summer months while using significantly less energy than air conditioning systems. By circulating air around your home, fans create a more pleasant indoor environment and reduce your need for air conditioning systems.

There are various kinds of fans available, including ceiling, floor and table fans. Each variety of fan offers its own set of benefits and can help create an ideal indoor environment.

Ceiling fans are an attractive choice for many homeowners as they provide effective air circulation while using only a fraction of the electricity required by air conditioners. Floor and table fans also help move air around your home efficiently while floor fans and table fans are easily portable for convenient use in different rooms of the home.

For maximum effectiveness with fans, it’s crucial that they be used strategically. Ceiling fans can help circulate air throughout your home for maximum comfort while floor or table fans create cool breezes in certain rooms like bedrooms or living rooms.

By using fans to circulate air and stay cool, you can reduce your reliance on air conditioning and lower energy bills during summer months. Plus, with some creative thinking and effort you can create an energy-efficient and cost-effective indoor space.

Overall, fans are an effective and cost-efficient way to stay cool during the heat of summer while simultaneously cutting your energy costs and energy usage. By strategically using ceiling, floor or table fans you can create an indoor environment that’s both energy-saving and cost-saving – when feeling heat rising grab a fan instead of turning up the AC!

9. Close Windows and Doors during the Hottest Parts of the Day

Although it may be tempting to keep your windows and doors open during summer months in order to bring in fresh air, doing so can actually increase home temperatures and drive up energy costs. When temperatures outside exceed those inside your home, keeping windows and doors open allows hot air to enter your home more freely while decreasing effectiveness of air conditioning units.

To stay cool and decrease energy usage, it’s essential to close windows and doors during the hottest parts of the day – typically afternoon and early evening when the sun reaches its highest and warmest points. This will keep the house cooler.

Closed windows and doors can help keep your home cool by decreasing the amount of heat entering, thus decreasing reliance on air conditioning, thus cutting costs on energy consumption.

If you prefer letting in fresh air during the day, an ideal time would be early morning or late evening when temperatures are lower; simply make sure that you close all windows and doors before temperatures return to their original levels.

Conclusion Closing windows and doors during the hottest parts of the day can help your home remain cool while simultaneously cutting energy costs. By decreasing how much hot air enters your home, air conditioning usage decreases and you create a more comfortable indoor environment. Therefore, whenever you feel inclined to open up your windows or doors for air circulation purposes during peak heat waves, consider closing them instead and saving yourself both energy costs and costs from air conditioning usage.

10.Take Advantage of Outdoor Spaces 

One effective strategy for keeping cool during the heat of summer is taking advantage of outdoor spaces. Be it your backyard, patio or balcony space – spending time outside can provide much-needed relief without needing air conditioning!

One of the easiest and most effective ways to create an inviting outdoor experience is through providing shade. You can achieve this through umbrellas, pergolas or even planting trees or bushes around your outdoor space to reduce direct sunlight entering and keeping you cool and comfortable in your space.

Outdoor fans and misting systems are also great ways to stay cool while outdoors, creating a refreshing environment without overheating. These systems work by circulating air or spraying mist of water onto surfaces – both processes work by cooling the environment while using less energy than air conditioning systems, offering another great way to enjoy being outside without overheating!

Outdoor activities that include water can also provide an ideal way to unwind during the hot summer months, from swimming and water sports to simply lounging by a lake or pool. Spending time near water can help you stay cool and comfortable!

Outdoor spaces offer an effective solution to staying cool and comfortable during the heat of summer while cutting back on energy usage and costs. By providing shade, using outdoor fans or misting systems, and engaging in water-related activities outdoors, outdoor spaces provide a refreshing outdoor space that is both energy efficient and cost-cutting – ideal when temperatures heat up quickly! So when feeling the heat rising, take advantage of nature and see what nature has in store!
